Project Description

Virujh is a video consultation app developed to let doctors & patients schedule & accept appointments, fix online consultations and offers downloadable ePrescription. It also empowers doctors and healthcare providers to deliver high-quality care virtually. The key objective of the project is to offer a time-saving online consultation App for doctors to provide quality online check-up to patients.


Designing interactive UI/UX was the most significant challenge. In addition, the competition in the market for online consultation apps was significantly higher due to the rising pandemic situation. Enabling patients to book the desired slot for appointments based on the multiple time zones was critical and challenging.


Soft Suave designed the best UI/UX for the online consultation app that gave patients’ maximum value in fewer steps. We built the doctor-focused app that helped doctors to reach dedicated patients faster. In addition, patients were allowed to leverage easy 3-click appointment to pay and fix appointment flexibly. The online consultation platform – Virujh allowed physicians to virtually manage their appointments, maintain patient records, provide e-Diagnosis and e-Prescription effortlessly.

App Screenshots

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