Maria Kigin

The accomplished Lead Mobile Developer at Soft Suave Technologies. With a passion for driving innovation, Maria leads the mobile development team with precision. His strategic mindset seamlessly integrates the latest technologies, ensuring the delivery of cutting-edge mobile solutions. Connect with Maria to explore the dynamic world of mobile development under his expert guidance.

Healthcare mobile app development

Healthcare Mobile App Development: Complete Guide 2023

This healthcare application development guide answers all your questions from healthcare app types, applications and benefits to healthcare app development process, time and cost

Mobile game development process

Mobile Game Development Process [A Free Guide]

If you want to create a mobile game you must understand the mobile game development process. These are the steps that will help you create a mobile game app.

8 steps to create an app from scratch

8 Steps to Create an App From Scratch

This guide will give you a clear understanding of how to create, develop, launch, and maintain a mobile app that is successful.