Mobile App Prototype: How to Build a Successful Prototype

The mobile app market is full of competition, so planning and developing your app idea with care becomes very important. One key step in this journey is making a mobile app prototype. This serves as the base for creating an app focusing on user needs and experiences. A prototype lets you see how your app’s features, user interface (UI), and overall user experience (UX) will look before making the full version. With a prototype in hand, you can turn your app idea into a prototype and save valuable time and resources.

Today, many companies find success by focusing on user experience. In the field of UX, investing even one dollar can bring back a return of $100 (which is 9,900%). Mobile apps are an essential part of the process. A mobile app’s success depends entirely on its users. Your mobile app’s success or failure depends on how much effort, time, and money is spent on your mobile app prototype development to elevate UX and UI, so how to design the best UX for your mobile app.

This is a simple guide to mobile app prototyping for beginners, and can effectively teach one to create visualizations that can make their mobile app a success. To learn more about how to make an interactive mobile app prototype, read this guide and learn all the details!

What is a Mobile App Prototype?

A mobile app prototype is like a first draft or early version of the app you want to create. It shows how the main features and user interface (UI) will look and work before starting real development. This helps to see what the final product might be like, even though it’s not fully functional. It’s like a detailed outline or skeletal framework that allows for usability testing for mobile apps. This digital representation enables users to test out the functionality and design of the app before it’s built, providing valuable feedback on how they perceive its look, feel, and functionality.

Having a prototype in place early in any project offers a significant advantage: you avoid wasting time creating something that might not meet market acceptance or usability standards. By interacting with the prototype, you can uncover potential flaws in the app’s design and user flow, refine your vision, and ensure a smooth, intuitive experience for real users before committing significant resources to development.

Benefits of Mobile App Prototyping

With custom mobile app development services, you can build mobile app prototypes that are highly beneficial. Learn the benefits here:

Enhanced User Experience (UX)

Prototypes help you to imitate realistic interactions with the application among users. This exposes potential usability hurdles early in the development cycle. By identifying and addressing these challenges upfront, you can guarantee a smooth and intuitive experience for real users.

Improved Communication

Prototypes fill in the gap between the app idea and the people engaged in creating an app. Those individuals might be designers, developers, investors, or clients. Prototypes make a proper representation of how an app’s functionalities work and guarantee that everyone involved comprehends what objectives are set for the project.

Early Feedback

Getting initial feedback from possible users is a basic advantage of prototypes. When you test prototypes with actual people, it gives an opportunity to understand what they need, and prefer, and how the features of your app are used by them. Knowing more about mobile app testing can assist in creating tests that provide useful and doable feedback.

Mobile App prototypes help

  • Reduce overall development time
  • Aligns vision among stakeholders and users
  • Collect valuable user feedback
  • Bring the idea to life

Levels of Fidelity in Prototyping

There are various types of mobile app prototypes, ranging from low-fidelity to high-fidelity mobile app prototypes, which cater to different stages of development.

Low-fidelity Prototypes

Low-fidelity prototypes focus on the core layout and functionality of the app, prioritizing structure over aesthetics. Often created with simple design tools or even pen and paper, they allow for rapid development, making them ideal for early brainstorming sessions to explore core user flows and gather initial user feedback.

Mid-fidelity Prototypes

Building upon the foundation established in low-fidelity prototypes, mid-fidelity versions add a layer of detail. Imagine placeholder content representing the intended text and images, along with basic interactions like button clicks or simple transitions between screens. This provides a clearer picture of the app’s visual direction and allows for usability testing of the core functionalities.

High-fidelity Prototypes

High-fidelity prototypes elevate the experience to near-finished quality. Imagine a highly polished user interface design with real content populated throughout, interactive elements that mimic actual functionality, and a level of detail that closely resembles the final product. This level of fidelity allows for comprehensive mobile app testing, where user interactions with all aspects of the app can be evaluated and refined before significant development resources are committed.

Types of Mobile App Prototypes

By hiring mobile app developers, you can craft prototypes to fit your vision, from basic sketches to interactive models. Learn more about the types of prototypes below:

Functional Prototype

Prioritizing core functionalities, a functional mobile app prototype offers a basic user flow through the app’s essential screens. This stripped-down approach allows for early usability testing, identifying potential roadblocks before design investment.

Visual Prototype

Building upon the established functionality, a visual prototype introduces a design layer. This visual layer allows for the exploration of the app’s aesthetic direction, providing stakeholders with a clearer vision of the final product.  This early exploration helps ensure that the visual style complements the core functionalities, creating a cohesive and user-friendly experience.

Interactive Prototype

Interactive prototypes elevate testing by simulating real interactions. Users can engage with features through animations or transitions, even without the underlying code being fully developed. This allows for more comprehensive usability testing, enabling the identification and refinement of how users interact with various features. By testing these interactions early, you can ensure a smoother and more intuitive user experience where users can easily accomplish their goals within the app.

Clickable Prototype

A clickable mobile app prototype serves as a simplified navigation model for the app. It allows users to navigate through the core screens and layouts, providing valuable feedback on the information architecture and basic navigation flow. This early feedback loop helps identify potential usability issues before full development gets underway, ensuring a user-friendly experience where users can effortlessly find what they need within the app.

Mobile app prototypes can differ in fidelity, from low-fidelity functional prototypes to high-fidelity interactive ones. Each provides a means to test different aspects of your app, ranging from basic functionality and user flow to intricate interactions and visual design. This type of design approach is especially valuable for developing interactive products like social media apps or e-commerce platforms. By creating prototypes early, you can simulate how multiple parties will interact within the app, saving time and preventing errors during development.

What does the Mobile App Prototype look like?

A mobile app prototype is a primary visual mock-up that is a demo of a real app’s virtual design and function but does not have a working code. It might be a basic sketch on paper or a high-fidelity clickable digital model that works on your phone.

We will show you a segment of the Mobile app prototype of our client Virujh’s Healthcare app.

The process of developing mobile apps for the healthcare sector requires a meticulous and exceptionally efficient approach, owing to the industry’s delicate nature.

The Importance of Mobile App Prototyping

According to Bravo Studio, “87% of Product Managers believe that it is essential to develop a mobile app prototype before entering app development. They see a lot of benefits from prototyping, including the ability to quickly iterate upon the app”. This essentially means you benefit a lot when you test and refine your ideas before investing significant resources in coding.

Mobile app prototyping is a very important step to make your app successful. Creating this early model helps you build a strong base for user-friendly and good products. If the prototype is made well, it can help find problems at the start of the development process. This can save a lot of time, and money, and reduce frustration later on. By letting you test the main features and user journey of your app with actual users, prototyping helps to revise and perfect your design before any coding starts. A mobile app prototype is necessary for the mobile app to succeed in the market.

Curious about the benefits of mobile app prototyping? Take a look at the following advantages they offer:

  • Gain clarity
  • Quickly validate your idea in the market
  • Save on cost
  • Develop consistent UX
  • Drive stakeholder acceptance with a proven concept
  • Fine-tune your prototype to improve your concept

The Role of User Testing

Before learning about the specifics of the prototyping process, you should learn the importance of user testing. This means you should involve people to work and interact with your prototype and provide vital feedback on its usability and design, which can be useful when you try to shape a quality app. Make sure the following questions are answered, only then you can be assured that the user testing conducted has been successful:

  • Is the UI design layout easy to navigate?
  • Can users easily access the application’s UI functions?
  • Is the textual matter on UI features easy to understand?
  • Are there any features that hinder the app’s functionality?

In the next sections, we’ll explore essential tools and software for prototyping, and offer a step-by-step guide to crafting quality mobile app prototypes. Get ready to bring your app idea to life!

Get Expert Mobile App Prototype Development

Developing a mobile app? Before starting the development process, consider developing a mobile app prototype to test its features and functionalities.

Key Considerations Before Prototyping

Before getting into the steps and techniques, and discussing top software for creating mobile app prototypes, know this:

In mobile app prototyping for iOS/Android, we must understand the particular demands and characteristics that separate these platforms. Creating a prototype can offer a comprehensive look at how an app will work on each system, assuring it is compatible and meets users’ needs. The cost for making a mobile app prototype can change depending on many things. This includes how complicated the app is, what tools are used in prototyping, and the level of detail required.

Additionally, the overall cost estimation for mobile app development can fluctuate depending on similar variables, highlighting the importance of thorough planning and budgeting in the early stages of app design. iOS app prototyping is crucial for later development, so make sure you partner with the right company for your iOS app development needs.

Things to Consider When Creating an Effective Prototype

While creating a mobile app prototype, many important things must be considered. These points will help you make sure it is successful and matches your strategic aims:

Your Target Audience

Understanding who will use your app is foundational. Consider their behaviors, needs, and expectations. What specific problems are they looking to solve with your app? Tailoring the prototype to meet these user requirements is essential for a successful design.

Your Business Goals

Reflect on where you envision your business in the future. Are your priorities centered around revenue generation, or are you more focused on community impact and service? Determining what needs to be accomplished early on—and what can be developed later—will guide your prototype development in alignment with your long-term objectives.

Mobile User Interface (UI) Prototyping

The design of your app’s functionality and how it appears to users should be both visually pleasing and easy to understand. There is no ready-made answer; the design should naturally fit into what the app intends to accomplish and how it serves its users. This clarity is very important for making sure that people will like using your app and continue using it. Mobile user interface (UI) prototyping is very important to show and test how these elements will work together in the app.

You can navigate risks and improve user engagement by considering these points during the prototyping phase of your app’s development.


Steps to Create Effective Mobile App Prototypes

The making of mobile app prototypes is critical in the various steps of the app development process. Here are some simple instructions to guide you in creating prototypes that can effectively test and improve your app idea:

Define Your Objective

Prototypes should mimic an actual user experience, allowing you to gather important feedback about its functionality and visual attractiveness. Clearly define which parts of the user experience you are testing, like the design of the interface, how navigation works, or response times. Explain how these elements connect with your prototype’s general objective.

Develop the Prototype

Make a model that highlights the main functions of your application. It doesn’t have to work completely, but it should be specific enough so users can gain an accurate understanding of what the final product will be like. Concentrate on important characteristics you believe are defining for user interaction and make sure the design is understandable for users to recognize how the app works even at this initial phase.

Conduct User Testing

With the prototype in hand, begin user testing sessions. Choose participants who accurately represent your intended audience, which includes individuals who may not be particularly tech-savvy to ensure your app is accessible to a wide range of users. During these sessions, present the prototype and closely observe how participants interact with it. Pay attention to their natural interactions with the app and note any difficulties or confusion that arise.

Gather feedback

After user testing, systematically gather and analyze feedback. This should include both positive reactions and critiques, focusing on how well the prototype meets the needs and expectations of users. Ask specific questions about the app’s features, such as how they might improve users’ daily activities or solve existing problems. This feedback is crucial for understanding which aspects of the app are most valuable to your target audience and should be prioritized during further development.

Refine Based on Feedback

Use the insights gained from user feedback to refine your prototype. Prioritize enhancements to features that were well-received and address any issues that users encountered. Continually iterate on the design and functionality, conducting further rounds of testing and refinement as needed. This iterative process helps you to gradually build towards a product that not only meets market demands but also provides a satisfying user experience.

Repeat as necessary

Proper prototyping will have multiple levels of testing and revisions. Make sure you keep refining the product until the prototype showcases the app’s value and functions, thus confirming the business idea’s legitimacy.

Create a mobile app prototype by following these steps, and effectively test it to create a more functional and user-friendly product.

Create a mobile app prototype by following these steps, and effectively test it to create a mobile app from scratch.

Top 7 Mobile App Prototype Designing Software

You can choose these useful tools based on your Project and its Features and needs, leveraging some of the best mobile app prototyping software available.


Using Figma, a top choice among Mobile App Prototyping Tools, you can easily collaborate and make your product accessible to a team. While it has many features similar to others, the way Figma simplifies the design process and tracks everything gives it an edge. It supports in-app commenting in both design and prototyping modes, and teams can track comments in Slack or email. By using a third-party tool, designers do not have to constantly update their designs or create files.


InVision is a comprehensive prototyping software that facilitates transitions such as button clicking and creating layouts according to the device. User interfaces can be designed using InVision, allowing the creation of live prototypes from static images and wireframes.


Justinmind is best suited for creating wireframes and very interactive prototypes of web and mobile applications. It provides a variety of mobile gestures and web interactions to build excellent user experiences, making it suitable for enterprise-level users that require extensive design and collaboration features.


Framer is a design tool that assists designers in swiftly producing interactive, appealing prototypes. Be it linking pages or crafting 3D effects – Framer makes the task of rapid prototyping for mobile apps simpler. It helps your team to build functional prototypes swiftly.


Mockplus is among the free mobile app prototyping tools, and it lets designers and product teams unite to design, prototype, and collaborate better through rapid wireframes as well as app prototyping. By using plain drag-and-drop movements, users can swiftly produce completely interactive wireframes and prototypes for websites and mobile apps. Additionally, they can validate and iterate their ideas on real PCs, mobile phones, and tablets with up to 8 ways of sharing and testing prototypes.


Balsamiq, one of the leading prototyping tools for mobile apps, helps users visualize their ideas quickly. There are several handwriting-style components pre-installed, so users can follow ideas and iterate designs without annoying interruptions.

Adobe XD

Adobe XD enables UX designers to create and construct app prototypes in a single step. As a response to the demand for a fresh design tool, Adobe introduced ‘Project Comet’. A new design philosophy was incorporated into the prototyping tool, promising designers the ability to “design at the need for speed of thought.” After its beta version, Project Comet was renamed Adobe XD.


Even when a prototype is not exactly right, it still provides useful knowledge. By doing user tests, you obtain vital understandings that can enhance your mobile app’s user experience (UX) design. This feedback can then be seamlessly woven into the overall mobile app design process, resulting in a stronger final product.

Here’s the key: clear communication throughout prototyping is essential. When you work with a professional mobile app prototype development company, they can help make sure the prototype aligns with your vision and appeals to your intended audience. A wide range of companies provide mobile app prototyping services for hire and transform your ideas into working apps, and also allow you to avoid problems.

If you are a startup, you might want to go ahead and start coding your app idea. And there are various mobile app development technologies for startups to help you out. But prototyping vs. coding for mobile apps is like sketching vs. painting a masterpiece. Through prototyping, you can make a simple plan or wireframe of your mobile app by concentrating on vital functions and how users will navigate it. This helps you to try the idea with users and improve it before using up important time and effort in making a complicated app that may not connect well with your target audience.

Winding Up: Invest in Your App’s Future

Looking for help transitioning your prototype into a final product? Check out Flutter, the open-source framework of Google for developing iOS and Android apps, and Soft Suave’s Flutter development expertise to help you through the transition.

Now, we can understand that making a mobile app prototype is an investment for your application’s success. It provides you with the opportunity to confirm and refine your idea, and ensures smoothness of user interaction before starting any important coding work – all these factors may help in reducing your overall mobile app prototyping cost.