Challenges in Modernizing Legacy Applications & 5 Ways to Tackle Them

These 5 ideas could help overcome modernizing legacy application challenges. Organizations must change the way they think about modernizing legacy applications.

challenges in modernizing legacy applications

Legacy applications prove to be crucial for a great number of modern business organizations. They are considered the backbones of businesses, but there is a flip side of legacy software. They need heavy financial investments and maintenance to be able to keep running.
Significant as they are, legacy apps present challenges to keep them functional. Cost and time are involved in this maintenance process. Enterprises are frequently faced with the situation of being unable to discard legacy systems while having to make all arrangements to keep them up and running without spending too much.
legacy-modernization-servicesLegacy systems are indicators of the performance of an organization’s business operations. It is only natural that organizations in the contemporary business environment choose to grow by keeping in sync with modern technology.

Major Hurdles Faced While Modernizing Legacy System

1. Legacy Applications and Infrastructure are Entwined


In the legacy app modernization process, it becomes necessary to abstract and separate apps from any possible dependency on the underlying infrastructure.
Quite often, applications and components are found to be entwined with the hosting infrastructure. This makes updates time consuming. Manual intervention may also be required for updates and testing.



Abstracting the apps along with data and data sources as well as security and network configurations proves effective in resolving the issue. Abstracting the legacy system’s functions into components that may be run anywhere enables moving the app to different combinations of infrastructure. This eliminates the need for changing the code as well.
Software-defined infrastructure facilitates composing an app from such components. This leads to complete portability. Complete portability between container tools, cloud environments, servers, and storage options helps enterprises to break the vendor lock-in. It provides great flexibility as well.

2. Legacy Systems are Mostly Unbreakable Monoliths


Legacy versions of software applications are often found to be designed as single and unbreakable monoliths. Breaking these down into components is essential, but it proves difficult.


For modernizing such types of legacy apps, it is better to break down the software into separate and individual components. This enables easily recreating the new model within specific containers.
A model of what the software looks like needs to be created first. Each and every individual piece of such app has to be modeled, including storage configurations, network configurations, servers, how the app deploys on servers, and the organization it will use.
Breaking the monolith into parts that work individually helps build a virtualized application environment.

3. Building Security Measures Becomes Essential


It is essential to fuse security within each stage of software rebuilding. Addressing security issues during modernization and after deployment proves time consuming.


Treating security as a crucial component of the overall application environment enables baking it into the app from the initial stage. Considering security as any other component in the process helps organizations to protect their legacy applications.
Layering security between each element ensures that legacy apps get complete protection from the instant they are getting deployed, regardless of whatever infrastructure is being used.

build a web or mobile application

4. Tight DevOps Integration


Enterprise applications must be on-demand. It is essential that provisioning of new instances is automated and doesn’t require any manual intervention.


Tight integration with DevOps facilitates easily upgrading enterprise applications. DevOps contribution allows deploying new software releases swiftly with low degree of errors or bugs while still being compliant with the target functional IT ecosystem. This enables expediting the legacy modernization process.
DevOps teams, by being able to understand requirements better, can contribute to decisions regarding the combinations needed for the new system. This eliminates useless components being added.

5. Escalating Costs Need to be Controlled


Applications in large corporate businesses are seen to be maintained in disconnected compartments. This adds to difficulties of testing and consolidating. It makes it hard to estimate the budget as well.


An effective way to keep costs of modernization at bay is first separating the legacy system into essential components. This helps gaining a clarity about which components are essential and which are not.
Maintaining a components catalog empowers enterprises to create newer versions of an app with the desired components in selected combinations. Instead, they may also clone the entire application as it is.
By using this approach, it becomes possible for testing engineers, developers, and DevOps teams to choose what they need. This speeds up performance testing, planning, integration testing, and migration processes.

The Key Role Played by Legacy Application Modernization

Enterprises are often in need of breaking the barrier of limitations of the legacy applications.  They are required to shift from an outdated setting to a modern mode. In order to expedite the processing prowess of legacy apps, legacy system modernization is the best route.
Application modernization services play a crucial role in enabling enterprises to achieve transformation while keeping costs at bay and maximizing productivity.


Legacy software modernization involves its own complexities and risks. With the right legacy application modernization service provider, it is possible for enterprises to obtain the most optimal results. Digital transformation is predicted to reach the macroeconomic scale. Reshaping the global economy and diligently changing the way enterprises operate can be achieved through legacy modernization.
