Choose the Best Java Web Application Framework for Your Next Project

java frameworks

Today, the internet has become so powerful and influential that it’s been accessed by even a five-year-old child. So, web applications play a crucial role for every business to acquire a place in the market and improve brand identity.
Web Apps have the power to showcase a small business as a bigger one in the international market. It has all the capabilities to increase customer engagement and help you make more profits in your business. Therefore, many entrepreneurs always search for an effective way to build their web apps. 
While the world is moving towards growth, it is the responsibility of business owners to choose the best Java web application development framework to build web apps in 2021. 

Java – A powerful programming language 

Java is a general-purpose and object-oriented programming language designed for having lesser implementation dependencies. It acts as a computing platform for app development. Moreover, Java is reliable, fast, and secure. Java has been used commonly while building applications in laptops, gaming consoles, supercomputers, mobile phones, etc.
Java platform helps programmers to develop and run Java Apps effortlessly. In addition, the platform includes an execution engine, a compiler, and a set of libraries. Therefore, most top Java app development companies leverage this platform to build successful and dynamic Java web apps for their clients.  
Java is the only high-level and class-based programming language that is consistent and successful for a long time. The primary reason is that Java is tested and enhanced regularly by a dedicated community of Java programmers and architects. Thus, if web apps are your priority, Java should be your top choice. 

Java vs other technologies:-

Java is the biggest and most popular contender in the list of programming languages. However, over the years other languages are proving to be worthy competitors for Java. These include Python, Ruby, and PHP. Python enjoys advanced functionality with excellent performance, especially when processing and managing large data sets. On the other hand, Ruby is a beginner-friendly language that focuses on simplicity and productivity, whereas, PHP is flexible and comes with a wide range of predefined functionalities.

Dive Deeper: Which language to choose for successful web app development in 2021

Top Java Web Application Frameworks  

Java frameworks are tools with pre-written code. It acts as a template that helps in the quick and swift development of apps. These frameworks enable a developer to program an application without the manual overhead of creating everything from scratch. Also, most of the Java frameworks are free and open-source. The developer’s skillset and the application’s requirements determine which frameworks will be suitable. However, this article reveals some of the best ones.
Although there are numerous Java frameworks in the market, only three of them are worth mentioning – Spring, Grails, and Struts.


Spring is a lightweight and robust Java framework that makes Java apps easier and safer to use. Besides, many developers prefer the Spring framework for its speed and productivity. If a developer is familiar with working in MVC architecture, he/she would enjoy Spring. This framework also allows Java developers to build enterprise-grade web apps effortlessly. Moreover, processes such as authentication, verification, and validation can be easily done using Spring, thanks to its prewritten functions. Hence, these attributes make it the topmost Java framework.  

  •  Spring framework offers flexibility and third-party libraries to build web apps from your dreams.   
  • Spring offers fast start-up, shutdown, and optimized execution. So, this means you can start a sprig project within seconds  
  •  It supports modularity and provides backward compatibility and has annotation-style configuration compatibility. 
  • Spring is no app server-dependent – like EJB JNDI Calls and supports declarative transaction, caching, validation and formatting. 


  • Spring is a bit complex framework that consists of more than 3000 classes, 49 other tools, etc. 
  • And, it has a longer configuration. Hence a novice Java developer may find it difficult to work with.

Want to hire a Spring developer? Contact Us Today!


Grails is a full-stack framework used to build dynamic web apps. The framework is based on the MVC design structure. Furthermore, Grails is an object-oriented language that increases the productivity of the developers. 
As the framework is based upon the Spring Boot project, it makes the jobs easier for Java developers. Besides, the Grails framework leverages the Groovy language and assures successful Java Web development.  

  • Developers can mix Groovy and Java using this framework and it is perfect for rapid web app development 
  • The convention over configuration feature is dynamic. It boosts productivity to a great extent. 
  • Grails enable a developer to write DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) code which saves a lot of time and effort. Also, an existing java code can be reused in Grails in an easy way. 
  • It enjoys a very responsive and supportive community and has a data-binding feature. 


  • The integration process is complicated. 
  • Grails don’t have a supportive community backup. 

Want to hire a Grails developer? Contact Us Today!


Struts is an open-source framework used to create modern and enterprise-grade web applications. This MVC framework favors convention and reduces the web app development time. Besides, Struts comes with plugins that support REST, AJAX, and JSON. These plugins make it easier to integrate with other popular Java frameworks. 
However, when compared to the other two frameworks in this article, struts are old and not much useful.  

  • Struts offer creative themes and templates and its validator is effective to validate multiple forms and fields entered in the network. 
  • The representation is in XML or property files. So, an application’s information can be collected from xml.config files which will be convenient. Also, it is a flexible and developer-friendly framework. 
  • Due to the plugins and structure, the development time and effort is reduced in the Struts framework  


  • Struts are relatively harder to understand and a developer may find it difficult to benchmark and optimize 
  • It follows a rigid approach 

Want to hire a Strut developer? Contact Us Today!

Wrapping Up:

In a world where web app development is a challenge, Java frameworks are saviors for web app developers. If you are looking to develop a remarkable and secure web application for your start-up, then you can use these top Java frameworks. However, if you need to know which one tops the list, the answer is Spring. If you require further clarification or guidance, you can get in touch with Java experts from Soft Suave and start your project accordingly.  
We are a leading Java application development company in India. We house the top one percent of the Java programmers in India. Besides, our Java engineers have more than 9+ years of hands-on experience with several industry verticals.  
If you have a requirement document, get a free quote instantly from us. Choose the best Java web framework and start your next project with Soft Suave.

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