All SMB (small and medium-sized business) needs its own mobile apps! Here’s why?

In 2020, mobile apps have emerged to be the success factor in a business. If you own an SMB, this blog is for you to understand why you need a mobile app.

SMB's need its own mobile app

Business experts would find it odd if you do not own a mobile application in 2020. It is just the time for SMB’s to get into the mobile app development trend and start developing their own mobile applications. Here are a few key reasons why SMB’s should own a mobile application before 2020 ends.
Mobile App Development: Mobile application development is the new sensational topic in the app development industry. COVID-19 has taken a toll on several industries. However, mobile app development is one of the few industries that did not take a hit. The primary reason is the surge in the mobile app development services provided by app development companies around the world. COVID-19 has pushed every single business into a complete lockdown. This was the best measure to stop the outbreak but not the best decision for most of the industries like food and education. These industries perform well only when they are open.
The closure of restaurants, hotels, schools, and colleges took an enormous hit on the food and education industry. Mobile app development rescued these industries with the help of eLearning mobile platforms & applications, food delivery application, and restaurant & hotel application. Be it an enterprise or an SMB, Mobile app development is the best and easiest way to grow your business in 2020 despite the coronavirus pandemic.

Small and Midsize Business:

A business that has employee size fewer than 1000 employees is a midsize business and if the employee number is less then 100 then it’s a small business. Both these businesses have self-contained objectives and goals that will generate annual revenue of not more than $50 million.
The business world is competitive. In 2020, the SMB’s must understand the nature of business and competitiveness to grow in a better way. One such way to grow along with the trend is mobile app development.

Here’s why you need to own a mobile app:

According to ZD net – Americans spend an average screen time of 5.4 hours on their mobile phones daily. Don’t you think it is quite an interesting market to cover with the help of a small device? Yes! This is the primary reason SMB business needs to own mobile applications in 2020. The business growth is expeditious, it is now or never.

Build customer loyalty:

SMB’s need a digital product like a mobile application to gain the loyalty of the customers in the world filled with immense competitiveness. While the roads are filled with banners and social media with various advertisements from the enterprise companies, mobile is the most affordable step that will likely help you gain loyalty amidst of this humongous advertisement.
custommers-loyalityOwning a mobile application for your business will develop sincere and deep connection with your customers. Mobile apps create a connection so immense your customers feel they are a few clicks away from you. That’s the power of a single mobile application.

Increase customer engagement:

The mobile app is the best tool in the modern world to increase customer engagement. It creates a direct connection with your customers and allows the customers to get in touch with you easily. The people in the world are moving fast and will go for any service or product that matches their pace. A mobile app is one such product that helps your customers to avail of your services with a few clicks rather than calling or dropping by.
increase customer engagement
Customers’ engagement is the modern-day success mantra to be followed by all types of businesses. Going by the quote “customers are the kings” it is your responsibility to keep the king happy always.

Increase brand visibility:

Owning a mobile application will make the business world small. It increases your brand visibility to an extent where you can stop spending your valuable money on creating brand awareness. Most of the SMB’s fail in the market because of a lack of brand awareness. Mobile app development is just a perfect and affordable solution to stay in the market and succeed with high profit. Design the best UX for your mobile app to increase the visibility of your brand to multiple folds.
Using your mobile app solely for customer satisfaction will give you more brand visibility. A beautifully designed informative mobile app that attracts a huge customer base is much better than the advertisement that sells its services in the name of branding.

Value addition to customers:

Mobile applications must add value to your customers. People in 2020 will uninstall an application within a few seconds of installing if they find it unobliging. Owing an app that makes the lives of your customers easy is one such way of adding value to your customers. SMB’s must be creative and innovative in adding features that will add value to the customers.
Adding a food delivery feature to your food ordering application will motivate users to download your application over another application that just offers food ordering and self-pick. You have to be in the trend to add value to your customers and succeed in the market.

Curate direct marketing channel:

A direct marketing channel is one of the hardest channels to curate in marketing. If you follow traditional ways, it will take a lot of years to develop a direct marketing channel and get accepted by your customers. However, the mobile application is now the easiest and quickest way to curate your own direct marketing channel. The only major consideration is that you have to provide quality service through your application.
Especially, features like push notification allows to you get in touch with your customers directly and motivate them to get involved in your business.
You might be puzzled now by looking at all the advantages of owning an application but don’t have an application on hands.

Cost of developing a mobile application:

The cost of mobile app development is expensive with most of the companies in the world. At Soft Suave – leading mobile app development company in India, the cost is affordable. Your innovative requirements determine the price of your application. The expert developers in Soft Suave have hands-on experience in developing leading and successful mobile apps in the Play Store and App Store. They use all the latest technologies to bring the dreams of every SMB into a reality.
Don’t stay put. Evolve with the market trend, stand out from the competitors, and attain massive success in the industry full of competition.