How to Build a Customizable Ionic App: A Beginners’ Guide

how to build a customizable ionic app

Mobile Apps have become an essential tool to reach more customers. It’s a gift for businesses to increase their brand awareness, popularity, and customer base. So, developing an app that performs well on all platforms like Android, IOS, and even as a web App is crucial. But it’s not easy as it sounds.

Developers have a problem in building and implementing user interfaces that work on all platforms. Additionally, it requires more time and manpower, this is where ionic comes into play.

Ionic App Development

It makes the whole process simple with help of basic web development languages like HTML5, Javascript, and CSS. This eliminates the need to spend hours working with Objective C, Swift, and Java to develop Apps.

This article gives you some requisite steps to follow while building a customizable Ionic App.

Q. What is Ionic?

Created in 2013, Ionic is a free and open-sourced software development kit used to create hybrid mobile Apps. More than 5 million apps Apps have been created using Ionic. It allows developers to use web technologies to build cross-platform apps with a single codebase.

Ionic provides some unique features that make it special among other frameworks.

  • Use of popular technologies and ease of learning
  • Convenience in testing and deploying process
  • Strong community to back up any issues
  • Effective documentation and Platform-specific tuning
  • Quick prototyping and efficient use of UI elements
  • Expansive integration capabilities and plugins
  • Backend agnostic

Q. Why Ionic is loved by developers?

Over 10% of the Apple store and 16% of the Google play store Apps are built using Ionic. This reveals that developers from startups to large-scale enterprises consider Ionic as a good choice due to its productivity and productivity.

These are some interesting features Ionic have

  • It has all the necessary inbuilt tools that offer native compatibility
  • It is developer-friendly. Hence it avoids difficult technical procedures.
  • One codebase is enough to make your app for both Android and IOS which is quite impressive.
  • Quick to set up compared to native IOS/Android apps
  • Better performance compared to hybrid apps
  • Ionic uses AngularJS which helps to make a rich and robust application

Essential steps to build an amazing App with Ionic framework:-

Create your first Ionic framework App with help of these steps. Before diving into steps, first, install Ionic (using Node.JS). I recommend installing the Cordova version of Ionic that includes both software.

Enter these codes into your command line
sudo apt-get install nodejs
sudo apt-get install npm
sudo npm install -g ionic cordova

Step 01:

First, create a folder with your App name (let us consider ‘testapp’ as the App name) with these commands

  • start signals to the CLI to create a new application.
  • “balerion” will be the directory name and app name for your project.
  • blank selects the built-in blank template, which contains a single bare starter page.

Step 02:

Change your directory to the directory we’ve just created. You can make changes to the project by doing this.
cd testapp – cd is short for “change directory”.

Step 03:

Open the testapp folder in your files. It has a collection of pre-generated folders and blank file templates. Open src/page/home/home.html.
The other files in this section will be home.scss, which is the page to write your CSS code, and home.ts, where you can write TypeScript code.

Step 04:

Delete any current text in the home.html file and replace it with the following:

<ion-header> <ion-navbar> <ion-title> Ionic Project </ion-title> </ion-navbar> </ion-header> <ion-content padding> <h2>testapp </h2> </ion-content>

The syntax for this section is nearly identical to HTML syntax. The testapp page is titled “Ionic Project” within the <ion-title> field. The only content in the app is the term “testapp” within the h2 field.
Save the file changes and close home.html.

Step 05:

Now comes the final step, run the application with the following command:
ionic serve
serve runs the application within the selected directory.
Once the app is running, type localhost:8100 into your URL bar to view the web app content.

So we’re done with some basic steps while developing an App using the ‘Iconic’ framework which is widely known also known as Ionic.

Please note that these steps will give you a rough idea of how Apps are created using Ionic.

These steps will prove to be helpful, but it requires a lot of time, money, and effort to build the perfect App you wish. It needs a little experience to know all the nooks and corners. If you need to develop an App using Ionic, why not go choose Soft Suave which is a leading mobile app development company in India.

Q. Why Soft Suave?

These steps are just a tip of a huge iceberg. The actual development of an App includes much more workload. If you need a good App with all the latest designs and animations, get in touch with us.

Soft Suave has a dedicated team of developers specialized in Ionic who has successfully completed numerous projects. With 8+ years of experience and a good track record of a 93% client retention rate, Soft Suave can help you to build App with top-notch features.

If the app development cost is what bothers you, opting for Soft Suave will be helpful for you. They charge affordable prices compared to other western companies.

Final thoughts:-

All software tools are good in their own way. We can’t name them a good or bad tool, each tool is tailored to perform a specific task.

Why wait, get a free quote and start your App development journey with leading developers.

Having a powerful App that functions on various platforms and is accessed by different devices is a big advantage for a business. Moreover, the build fire report states that right now there are 3.2 billion smartphone users, and it will not certainly decline.

When it comes to Ionic, it facilitates the development of Apps across various platforms, utilizing well-known technologies. Besides, the progressive web Apps created by Ionic have some awesome features like Faster loading time, offline access, no app store submissions, etc.

Looking for Scalable Ionic App Development?

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